- Jinsu Park, Yeongseok Kang, and Deokjung Lee*, “Uncertainty quantification of steady state depletion solution using multi-physics coupling code system based on nodal diffusion code RAST-K”, Nucl. Eng. Tech., Under review (2025)
- Muhammad Imron, Deokjung Lee*, “Enhanced fidelity of Monte Carlo coupled multi-physics simulation”, Nucl. Eng. Tech., Under review (2025)
- Kyeongwon Kim, Hae-Yong Jeong*, Deokjung Lee*, “Conceptual reactor core design and sensitivity analysis of a heat pipe cooled reactor for lunar exploration using MCS”, Int. J. Energ. Res., Under review (2025)
- Muhammad Rizwan Ali, Murat Sedar Aygul, Deokjung Lee*, “Development and verification of Hornet – A CUDA-optimized, Monte Carlo-agnostic, continuous-energy cross-section processing code”, Comput. Phys. Commun., Under review (2024)
- Siarhei Dzianisau, Deokjung Lee*, “Axially decomposed GPU-enabled three-dimensional method of characteristic/diamond difference solver in neutron transport code STREAM3D-GPU”, Comput. Phys. Commun., Under review (2024)
- Jinsu Park, Wonkyeong, Yeongseok Kang, Wisoo Jeong, Changhyun Lim, Jooil Yoon, and Deokjung Lee*, “Development of Cross-Section Model of Two-Step Code System Considering Control Rod Depletion for Soluble Boron Free Operation of SMR,” Progress in Nuclear Energy, Under Review (2024)
- Yunki Jo, Deokjung Lee*, “Current Capabilities and Future Developments of Monte Carlo Code MCS”, EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol., Under Review (2024)
- Zhanpeng Huang, Yunki Jo, Qingming He, Liangzhi Cao, Hongchun Wu, and Deokjung Lee*, “Performance Improvement of Weight Window Method by incorporating DXTRAN,” Nucl. Sci. Eng., Accepted (2024)
- Muhammad Rizwan Ali, Murat Serdar Aygul, Deokjung Lee, “GREAPMC: Capabilities, performance, and future developments”, EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol., Under Review (2024)
- Muhammad Rizwan Ali, Murat Serdar Aygul, Deokjung Lee*, “Development of new GPU-optimized reactor physics Monte Carlo code GREAPMC,” Nucl. Sci. Eng., Under Review (2024)
- Muhammad Farid Khandaq, Deokjung Lee*, “Development of Active and Passive Reactivity Control Systems for a Fast Spectrum Small Modular Reactor,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, (2024)
- Muhammad Imron, Deokjung Lee*, “On-The-Fly Thermal Expansion for Monte Carlo Multi-Physics Reactor Simulations,” Front. Nucl. Eng., (2024)
- Muhammad Imron, Deokjung Lee*, “Monte Carlo Coupled Multi-Physics with Spatially Continuous Material Properties,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, (2024)
- Jaerim Jang, Deokjung Lee*, “Development and Verification of Multi-group Advanced Semi Analytic Nodal Method solver for HTGR analysis with MHTGR-350,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, (2004)
- Jaerim Jang, Deokjung Lee*, “Efficient Simulation Time Reduction in Uncertainty Quantification via the Polynomial Chaos Expansion Method,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, (2024)
- Siarhei Dzianisau, Deokjung Lee *, “Application of Artificial Neural Network for Assembly Homogenized Equivalence Parameter Generation,” Prog. Nucl. Energy, (2024)
- Jaerim Jang, Yunki Jo, and Deokjung Lee*, “Development of Uncertainty Quantification Module for VVER Analysis in STREAM/RAST-V Two-step Method,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., (2024)
- Murat Serdar Aygul, Wonkyeong Kim, Deokjung Lee*, “Whole-core analysis of Watts bar benchmark with three-dimensional MOC code STREAM3D,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., (2024)
- Jaerim Jang, Deokjung Lee*, “Development and Validation of Transient Analysis Module in Nodal Diffusion Code RAST-V with Kalinin-3 Coolant Transient Benchmark,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., (2024)
- Jaerim Jang, Deokjung Lee*, “Development and Validation of Isotope Prediction Module for VVER Spent Nuclear Fuel Analysis,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., (2024)
- Jaerim Jang, Yunki Jo, and Deokjung Lee*, “Uncertainty Analysis of UAM TMI-1 Benchmark by STREAM/RAST-K,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., (2024)
- Nhan Nguyen Trong Mai, Kyeongwon Kim, Deokjung Lee*, “Modelling Atomic Relaxation and Bremsstrahlung in the Deterministic Code STREAM,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 56(2): 673-684, (2024)
- Anisur Rahman, Hyun Chul Lee*, Deokjung Lee*, “High Fidelity Transient Analysis with STREAM based on the Predictor-Corrector Quasi-Static Method,” Nucl. Sci. Eng., 198: 545-564, (2024)
- Muhammad Farid Khandaq, Deokjung Lee*, “Inverted Fuel Geometry Implementation for a Fast Reactor: Potential Improvement in Neutronic and Thermal Hydraulic Performance,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 195: 110195, (2024)
- Awais Zahur, Muhammad Rizwan Ali, Deokjung Lee*, “Effect of Two Way Thermal Hydraulic-Fuel Performance Coupling on Multicycle Depletion,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 55(12): 4431-4446, (2023)
- Tuan Quoc Tran, Xingkai Huo, Emil Fridman, Deokjung Lee*, “CEFR Control Rod Drop Transient Simulation using RAST-F Code System,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 55(12): 4491-4503, (2023)
- Awais Zahur, Muhammad Rizwan Ali, Deokjung Lee*, “Development of Multiphysics Framework to Analyze Dynamic Gap Heat Transfer and Crossflow Effect on Partial Rod Ejection Accident,” Nucl. Sci. Eng., 197: 3175-3192, (2023)
- Tung Dong Cao Nguyen, Tuan Quoc Tran, Deokjung Lee*, “Coupled Neutronics/Thermal-hydraulics Analysis of ANTS-100e using MCS/RAST-F Two-step Code System,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 55(11): 4048-4056, (2023)
- Anisur Rahman, Hyun Chul Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “High Fidelity Transient Solver in STREAM based on Multigroup Coarse-Mesh Finite Difference Method,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 55(9): 3301-3312, (2023)
- Siarhei Dzianisau, Korawit Saeju, Hyun Chul Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “Development of an Artificial Neural Network Model for Generating Macroscopic Cross-Sections for RAST-AI,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 186:109777, (2023)
- Tung Dong Cao Nguyen, Tuan Quoc Tran, Deokjung Lee*, “Group Constants Generation by Monte Carlo code MCS for LWR Analysis,” Comput. Phys. Commun., 285:108642, (2023)
- Nhan Nguyen Trong Mai, Woonghee Lee, Kyeongwon Kim, Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Wonkyeong Kim, Deokjung Lee*, “On-The-Fly Energy Release per Fission Model in STREAM with Explicit Neutron and Photon Heating,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 55(3): 1071-1083, (2023)
- Jiwon Choe, Deokjung Lee*, “Development of Angle-dependent Linear Source Approximation for Three-dimensional Method of Characteristics Transport Analysis Method in STREAM,” Ann. Nucl. Energy,181: 109572 (2023)
- Jaerim Jang, Siarhei Dzianisau, Deokjung Lee*, “Development of Nodal Diffusion Code RAST-V for Vodo-Vodyanoi Energetichesky Reactor Analysis,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 54(9): 3494-3515, (2022)
- Anisur Rahman, Deokjung Lee*, “Incorporation of Anisotropic Scattering into the Method of Characteristics,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 54(9): 3478-3487, (2022)
- XiaoYong Feng, Peng Zhang, Hyunsuk Lee, Deokjung Lee, Hyun Chul Lee*, “Validation of MCS Code for Shielding Calculation using SINBAD,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 54(9): 3429-3439, (2022)
- Eun Jeong, Yunki Jo, ChangHwan Shin, Yong-Sik Yang, Jae-Yong Kim, Deokjung Lee*, “Performance Analysis of Nuclear Reactor Core Loaded with Accident-Tolerant Fuel: Mo/Cr Metallic Microcell UO2 Pellets and CrAl Coating,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 175: 109217, (2022)
- Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Nhan Nguyen Trong Mai, Hyun Chul Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “Propagation of Radiation Source Uncertainties in Spent Fuel Cask Shielding Calculations,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 54(8): 3073-3084, (2022)
- Linfang Wei, Deokjung Lee*, Hyun Chul Lee, “A Novel SN/MOC Collaborative Method of Few-Group-Cross-Section Generation with Versatile Neutron Spectral Adaptability in Advanced Reactor Physics Analysis,” Comput. Phys. Commun., 276: 108340, (2022)
- Nhan Nguyen Trong Mai, Kyeongwon Kim, Matthieu Lemaire, Tung Dong Cao Nguyen, Woonghee Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “Analysis of Several VERA Benchmark Problems with the Photon Transport Capability of STREAM,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 54(7): 2670-2689, (2022)
- Tuan Quoc Tran, Deokjung Lee*, “Neutronic Simulation of the CEFR Experiments with the Nodal Diffusion Code System RAST-F,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 54(7): 2635-2649, (2022)
- Tuan Quoc Tran, Alexey Cherezov, Xianan Du, Deokjung Lee*, “Verification of a Two-step Code System MCS/RAST-F to Fast Reactor Core Analysis,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 54(5): 1789-1803, (2022)
- Jaerim Jang, Mathieu Hursin, Woonghee Lee, Andreas Pautz, Marianna Papadionysiou, Alexander Vasiliev, Deokjung Lee, “Analysis of Rostov-II Benchmark using Conventional Two-step Code Systems,” Energies, 15(9): 3318, (2022)
- Jiwon Choe, Chirayu Batra, Vladimir Kriventsev, Deokjung Lee*, “Neutronic Analysis of Start-Up Tests at China Experimental Fast Reactor,” Energies, 15(3): 1249, (2022)
- Chidong Kong, Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Deokjung Lee, Pavel Kavrigin, Christina Weiss, Erich Griesmayer, Pavel Frajtag, Vincent Lamirand, Mathieu Hursin*, Andreas Pautz, “Modeling the Response of a Diamond Detector in the Zero Power Reactor CROCUS,” Eur. Phys. J. Plus, 137:25, (2022)
- Wonkyeong Kim, Sooyoung Choi, Deokjung Lee*, “Refinements of Pin-based Pointwise Energy Slowing-down Method for Resonance Self-shielding Calculation-II: Verifications,”Front. Energy Res., 9:765865, (2021)
- Sooyoung Choi, Wonkyeong Kim, Deokjung Lee*, “Refinements of Pin-based Pointwise Energy Slowing-down Method for Resonance Self-shielding Calculation-I: Theory,” Front. Energy Res., 9:765863, (2021)
- Kyeongwon Kim, Jinseok Han, Hyun Chul Lee, Junkyung Jang, Deokjung Lee*, “Verification of Graphite Isotope Ratio Method Combined with Polynomial Regression for the Estimation of Cumulative Plutonium Production in a Graphite-Moderated Reactor,” J. Nucl. Fuel Cycle Waste Technol., 19(4): 447-457, (2021)
- Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Alexey Cherezov, Siarhei Dzianisau, Deokjung Lee*, “Machine Learning of LWR Spent Nuclear Fuel Assembly Decay Heat Measurements,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 53(11): 3563-3579, (2021)
- Jaerim Jang, Chidong Kong, Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Alexey Cherezov, Yunki Jo, Deokjung Lee*, “Uncertainty Quantification in Decay Heat Calculation of Spent Nuclear Fuel by STREAM/RAST-K,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 53(9): 2803-2815, (2021)
- Tung Dong Cao Nguyen, Hyunsuk Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “Use of Monte Carlo Code MCS for Multigroup Cross Section Generation for Fast Reactor Analysis,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 53(9): 2788-2802, (2021)
- Jaerim Jang, Chidong Kong, Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Yunki Jo, Deokjung Lee*, “Uncertainties of PWR Spent Nuclear Fuel Isotope Inventory for Back-end Fuel Cycle Analysis with STREAM/RASTK,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 158: 108267, (2021)
- Sooyoung Choi, Wonkyeong Kim, Jiwon Choe, Woonghee Lee, Hanjoo Kim, Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Eun Jeong, Hyunsuk Lee, Dongmin Yun, Deokjung Lee*, “Development of High-Fidelity Neutron Transport Code STREAM,” Comput. Phys. Commun., 264:107915, (2021).
- Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Deokjung Lee*, “Bayesian Method and Polynomial Chaos Expansion based Inverse Uncertainty Quantification of Spent Fuel using Decay Heat Measurement,” Nucl. Eng. Des., 378:111158, (2021)
- Jaerim Jang, Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Wonkyeong Kim, Jinsu Park, Deokjung Lee*, “Verification and Validation of Isotope Inventory Prediction for Back-End Cycle Management using Two-Step Method,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 57(3):2105-2125, (2021)
- Tung Dong Cao Nguyen, Muhammad Farid Khandaq, Eun Jeong, Jiwon Choe, Deokjung Lee, Douglas Fynan*, “MicroURANUS: Core Design for Long-cycle Marine Lead-bismuth-cooled Fast Reactor,” Int. J. Energ. Res., 45(8):12426–12448, (2021)
- Yongkyeong Oh, Hanjoo Kim, Deokjung Lee, Sungil Kim*, “시뮬레이션 데이터 생성을 통한 기계학습 기반 원자로 노심 이상 탐지 방법론,” Journal of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 47(2), 130-143, (2021)
- Sooyoung Choi, Deokjung Lee*, “Three-Dimensional Method of Characteristics/Diamond-Difference Transport Analysis Method in STREAM for Whole-core Neutron Transport Calculation,” Comput. Phys. Commun., 260:107332, (2021)
- Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Chidong Kong, Peng Zhang, Alexey Cherezov, Deokjung Lee*, “Uncertainty Quantification of PWR Spent Fuel due to Nuclear Data and Modelling Parameters,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 53(3): 715-731, (2021)
- Hochul Lee, Junkyung Jang, Hyunwook Kang, Wonkyeong Kim, Jaerim Jang, Deokjung Lee, Hyun Chul Lee*, “Criticality Benchmark of Monte Carlo code MCS for Light Water Reactor Fuel in Transportation and Storage Packages,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 151: 107873, (2021).
- Ta Duy Long, Ser Gi Hong*, Deokjung Lee, “Validation of UNIST Monte Carlo Code MCS for Criticality Safety Calculation with Burnup Credit through MOX Criticality Benchmark Problem,” Nucl. Eng. Tech.,53(1): 19-29, (2021)
- FathurrahmanSetiawan, Matthieu Lemaire, Deokjung Lee*, “Analysis of VVER-1000 Mock-up Criticality Experiments with Nuclear Data Library ENDF/B-VIII.0 and Monte Carlo code MCS,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 53(1): 1-18, (2021)
- Jaerim Jang, Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Wonkyeong Kim, Jinsu Park, Jiwon Choe, Deokjung Lee*,”Validation of Spent Nuclear Fuel Decay Heat Calculation by a Two-step Method,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 53(1): 44-60, (2021)
- Jinsu Park, Jaerim Jang, Hanjoo Kim, Jiwon Choe, Dongmin Yun, Peng Zhang, Alexey Cherezov, Deokjung Lee*, “RAST-K v2- Three Dimensional Nodal Diffusion Code for Pressurized Water Reactor Core Analysis,” Energies, 13(23): 6324, (2020)
- Alexey Cherezov, Jinsu Park, Hanjoo Kim, Jiwon Choe, Deokjung Lee*, “A Multi-physics Adaptive Time Step Coupling Algorithm for Light-Water Reactor Core Transient and Accident Simulation,” Energies, 13(23): 6374, (2020)
- Tuan Quoc Tran, Jiwon Choe, Xianan Du, Hyunsuk Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “Neutronic Simulation of China Experimental Fast Reactor Start-up Test- Part II: MCS Code Monte Carlo Calculation,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 148: 107710, (2020).
- Alexey Cherezov, Jaerim Jang, Deokjung Lee*,”A PCA Compression Method for Reactor Core Transient Multi-Physics Simulation,” Prog. Nucl. Energy, 28:103441, (2020).
- Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Hyunsuk Lee, Wonkyeong Kim, Deokjung Lee*, “Validation of Nuclide Depletion Capabilities in Monte Carlo Code MCS,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 52(9):1907-1916, (2020)
- Nhan Nguyen Trong Mai, Peng Zhang, Matthieu Lemaire, Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Wonkyeong Kim, Hyunsuk Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “Extension of Monte Carlo code MCS to Spent Fuel Cask Shielding Analysis,” Int. J. Energ. Res., 44(10):8089–8102, (2020)
- Matthieu Lemaire, Hyunsuk Lee, Peng Zhang, Deokjung Lee*, “Interpretation of two SINBAD photon-leakage benchmarks with nuclear library ENDF/B-VIII.0 and Monte Carlo code MCS,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 52(7): 1355-1366, (2020)
- Farrokh Khoshahval, Deokjung Lee*, Peng Zhang, “Analysis and comparison of direct inversion and Kalman filter methods for self-powered neutron detector compensation,” Nucl Instrum Methods Phys Res A, 969: 164097, (2020)
- Jiankai Yu, Hyunsuk Lee, Hanjoo Kim, Peng Zhang, Deokjung Lee*, “Coupling of FRAPCON for Fuel Performance Analysis in the Monte Carlo code MCS,” Comput. Phys. Commun., 251: 106748, (2020)
- Jaerim Jang, Jiwon Choe, Sooyoung Choi, Matthieu Lemaire, Ho Cheol Shin, Deokjung Lee*, “Conceptual Design of Long-cycle Boron-free Small Modular Pressurized Water Reactor with Control Rod Operation,” Int. J. Energ. Res., 44(8):6463–6482, (2020)
- Tung Dong Cao Nguyen, Hyunsuk Lee, Sooyoung Choi, Deokjung Lee*, “Validation of UNIST Monte Carlo Code MCS using VERA Progression Problems,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 52(5): 878-888, (2020)
- Jiankai Yu, Hyunsuk Lee, Hanjoo Kim, Peng Zhang, Deokjung Lee*, “Coupled N-T/H Simulation of BEAVRS Cycle 1 Depletion by MCS/CTF Code System,” Nuclear Technology, 206: 728-742, (2020)
- Hyunsuk Lee, Wonkyeong Kim, Peng Zhang, Matthieu Lemaire, Azamat Khassenov, Yunki Jo, Jinsu Park, Jiankai Yu, Deokjung Lee*, “MCS – A Monte Carlo Particle Transport Code for Large-Scale Power Reactor Analysis,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 139:107276, (2020)
- Tung Dong Cao Nguyen, Hyunsuk Lee, Sooyoung Choi, Deokjung Lee*, “MCS/TH1D Analysis of VERA Whole-core Multi-cycle Depletion Problems,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 139: 107271, (2020)
- Jiankai Yu, Hyunsuk Lee, Hanjoo Kim, Peng Zhang, Deokjung Lee*, “Simulation of BEAVRS Benchmark Cycle 2 Depletion with MCS/CTF Coupling System,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 52(4): 661-673, (2020)
- Jiankai Yu, Hyunsuk Lee, Matthieu Lemaire, Hanjoo Kim, Peng Zhang, Deokjung Lee*, “Fuel Performance Analysis of BEAVRS Benchmark Cycle 1 Depletion with MCS/FRAPCON Coupling System,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 138: 107192, (2020)
- Wonkyeong Kim, Mathieu Hursin, Andreas Pautz, Lamirand Vincent, Frajtag Pavel, Deokjung Lee*, “Determination of the activity inventory and associated uncertainty quantification for the CROCUS zero power research reactor,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 136: 107034, (2020)
- Xianan Du, Jiwon Choe, Tuan Quoc Tran, Deokjung Lee*, “Neutronic Simulation of China Experimental Fast Reactor Start-up Test. Part I: SARAX Code Deterministic Calculation,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 136:107046, (2020)
- Kyeong-Nam Kang, Ananthakumar Ramadoss, Jin-Wook Min, Jong-Chul Yoon, Deokjung Lee, Seok Ju Kang, Ji-Hyun Jang, “Wire-Shaped 3D-Hybrid Supercapacitors as Substitutes for Batteries,” Nano-Micro Lett, 12: 28, (2019).
- Vutheam Dos, Hyunsuk Lee, Yunki Jo, Matthieu Lemaire, Wonkyeong Kim, Sooyoung Choi, Peng Zhang, Deokjung Lee*, “Overcoming the Challenges of Monte-Carlo Depletion: Application to a Material-Testing Reactor with MCS Code,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 52(9):1881-1895, (2020)
- Xianan Du, Jiwon Choe, Sooyong Choi, Woonghee Lee, Alexey Cherezov, Jaeyong Lim, Min Jae Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “Application of TULIP/STREAM code in 2-D Fast Reactor Core High-Fidelity Neutronic Analysis,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 51(8): 1871-1885, (2019)
- Eun Jeong, Jinsu Park, Hyun Chul Lee, Peng Zhang, Jiankai Yu, Matthieu Lemaire, Sooyoung Choi, Deokjung Lee*, “Verification of DeCART2D/CAPP Code System for VHTR Analysis with PMR-200 Benchmark,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 133: 154-168, (2019)
- Jinsu Park, Wonkyeong Kim, Mathieu Hursin, Gregory Perret, Alexander Vasiliev, Dimitri Rochman, Andreas Pautz, Hakim Ferroukhi, Deokjung Lee, “Uncertainty Quantification of LWR-PROTEUS Phase II Experiments using CASMO-5,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 131: 9-22, (2019)
- Chidong Kong, Deokjung Lee*, “Sensitivity Analysis of Source Intensity and Time Bin Size for the Rossi-alpha Method in a Numerical Reactor Model,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 130: 157-163, (2019)
- Mi Jin Kim, Wonkyeong Kim, Deokjung Lee, Matthieu Lemaire, Hee-Jae Lee, Dong-Seong Sohn*, Hyukjoo Kwon, “Development of Integral Type Spent Fuel Pool Storage Rack with Gadolinium and Europium-containing Structure Materials,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 130: 107-117, (2019)
- Jiankai Yu, Hyunsuk Lee, Matthieu Lemaire, Hanjoo Kim, Peng Zhang, Deokjung Lee*, “MCS Based Neutronics/Thermal-Hydraulics/Fuel-Performance Coupling with CTF and FRAPCON,” Comput. Phys. Commun., 238: 1-18, (2019)
- Peng Zhang, Hyunsuk Lee, Matthieu Lemaire, Chidong Kong, Jiwon Choe, Jiankai Yu, Farrokh Khoshahval, Deokjung Lee*, “Practical Monte Carlo Simulation Using Modified Power Method with Preconditioning,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 127: 372-384, (2019)
- Jiwon Choe, Sooyoung Choi, Peng Zhang, Jinsu Park, Wonkyeong Kim, Ho Cheol Shin, Hwan Soo Lee, Ji-Eun Jung, Deokjung Lee*, “Verification and Validation of STREAM/RAST-K for PWR Analysis,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 51(2): 356-368 (2019)
- Tuan Quoc Tran, Sanggeol Jeong, Khang Nhat Hoang Nguyen, Hyunsuk Lee, Sooyoung Choi, Peng Zhang, Min Jae Lee, Jae-Yong Lim, Deokjung Lee*, “Validation of the MCNP6 code for SFR shielding design analysis,” J. Radiol. Prot., 39: 11-37, (2019)
- Jinsu Park, Peng Zhang, Hyunsuk Lee, Sooyoung Choi, Jiankai Yu, Deokjung Lee, “Performance Evaluation of CMFD on Inter-Cycle Correlation Reduction of Monte Carlo Simulation,” Comput. Phys. Commun., 235: 111-119, (2019)
- Jinsu Park, Azamat Khassenov, Wonkyeong Kim, Sooyoung Choi, Jiankai Yu, Deokjung Lee*, “Comparative Analysis of VERA Depletion Benchmark through Consistent Code-to-Code Comparison,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 124: 385-398, (2019)
- Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Sooyoung Choi, Matthieu Lemaire, Deokjung Lee*, “Verification and Validation of Radiation Source Term Capabilities in STREAM,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 124: 80-87, (2019)
- Khang Nguyen Hoang Nhat, Sooyoung Choi, Matthieu Lemaire, Deokjung Lee*, “Depletion Chain Optimization of Lattice Code STREAM for PWR Fuel Assembly Analysis,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 123: 18-45, (2019)
- Tung Dong Cao Nguyen, Jiwon Choe, Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Matthieu Lemaire, Deokjung Lee, “Core Design of Long-cycle Small Modular Lead-cooled Fast Reactor,” Int. J. Energ. Res., 43(1): 254-273 (2019)
- Farrokh Khoshahval, Seongpil Yum, Ho Cheol Shin, Jiwon Choe, Peng Zhang, Deokjung Lee*, “Smart Sensing of the Axial Power and Offset in NPPs Using GMDH Method,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 121: 77-88, (2018)
- Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Sooyoung Choi, Matthieu Lemaire, Deokjung Lee*, Ho Cheol Shin, “Validation of Lattice Physics Code STREAM for Predicting Pressurized Water Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel Isotopic Inventory,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 120: 431-449, (2018)
- Matthieu Lemaire, Hyunsuk Lee, Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Chidong Kong, Wonkyeong Kim, Yunki Jo, Jinsu Park, Deokjung Lee*, “Verification of Photon Transport Capability of UNIST Monte Carlo Code MCS,” Comput. Phys. Commun., 231: 1-18, (2018)
- Chidong Kong, Jiwon Choe, Seongpil Yum, Jaerim Jang, Woonghee Lee, Hanjoo Kim, Wonkyeong Kim, Nguyen Hoang Nhat Khang, Nguyen Dong Cao Tung, Vutheam Dos, Deokjung Lee*, Ho Cheol Shin, Masao Yamanaka, Cheol Ho Pyeon, “Application of Advanced Rossi-alpha Technique to Reactivity Measurements at Kyoto University Critical Assembly,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 118 : 92-98, (2018)
- Jiankai Yu, Hyunsuk Lee, Hanjoo Kim, Peng Zhang, Deokjung Lee*, “Preliminary Coupling of the Thermal/Hydraulic Solvers in the Monte Carlo Code MCS for Practical LWR Analysis,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 118: 317-335, (2018)
- Farrokh Khoshahval, Peng Zhang, Matthieu Lemaire, Deokjung Lee*, Reply to the letter to the editor on “Vanadium, Rhodium, Silver and Cobalt Self-Powered Neutron Detector Calculations by RAST-K v2.0″ by Farrokh Khoshahval, Minyong Park, Ho Cheol Shin, Deokjung Lee* [Ann. Nucl. Energy, 111: 644-659], Ann. Nucl. Energy, (2018)
- Jinsu Park, Tae Young Han, Deokjung Lee, Hyun Chul Lee*, “VHTR Core Analysis of McCARD and DeCART with High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor Benchmark,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 114: 42-51, (2018)
- Jaerim Jang, Wonkyeong Kim, Sanggeol Jeong, Eun Jeong, Jinsu Park, Matthieu Lemaire, Hyunsuk Lee, Yongmin Jo, Peng Zhang, Deokjung Lee*, “Validation of UNIST Monte Carlo Code MCS for Criticality Safety Analysis of PWR Spent Fuel Pool and Storage Cask,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 114: 495-509, (2018)
- Peng Zhang, Hyunsuk Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “On the Transfer Matrix of the Modified Power Method,” Comput. Phys. Commun., 222: 102-112, (2018)
- Eun Jeong, Jiwon Choe, Peng Zhang, Ho Cheol Shin, Deokjung Lee*, “New High Performance Light Water Reactor Core Concept with Mixed Cycle Length Operation,” Int. J. Energ. Res., 42: 53-67, (2018)
- Yunki Jo, Mathieu Hursin, Deokjung Lee*, Hakim Ferroukhi, Andreas Pautz, “Analysis of Simplified BWR Full Core with SERPENT-2/SIMULATE-3 Hybrid Stochastic/Deterministic Code,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 111: 141-151, (2018)
- Farrokh Khoshahval, Minyong Park, Ho Cheol Shin, Deokjung Lee*, “Vanadium, Rhodium, Silver and Cobalt Self-Powered Neutron Detector Calculations by RAST-K v2.0,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 111: 644-659, (2018)
- Youqi Zheng, Sooyoung Choi, Deokjung Lee*, “A New Approach to Three-Dimensional Neutron Transport Solution Based on the Method of Characteristics and Linear Axial Approximation,” J. Comput. Phys., 350: 25-44, (2017)
- Yunki Jo, Chidong Kong, Jiankai Yu, Deokjung Lee*, Sihwan Kim, “High Accuracy Boronometer Design Developed for Light Water Reactors,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 110: 25-30, (2017)
- Chidong Kong, Ho Cheol Shin, Deokjung Lee*, “Lifetime Extension of In-Core Self-Powered Neutron Detector Using New Emitter Materials,” Int. J. Energ. Res., 41(14): 2405-2412, (2017)
- Peng Zhang, Hyunsuk Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “Extension of the Noise Propagation Matrix Method for Higher Mode Solutions,” J. Comput. Phys., 344: 440-450, (2017)
- Youqi Zheng, Deokjung Lee*, Peng Zhang, Eunki Lee, Ho-cheol Shin, “Comparisons of SN and Monte-Carlo Methods in PWR Ex-core Detector Response Simulation,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 101: 139-150, (2017)
- Sooyoung Choi, Kord Smith, Hanjoo Kim, Taewoo Tak, Deokjung Lee*, “On the Diffusion Coefficient Calculation in Two-step Light Water Reactor Core analysis,” J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 54(6): 705-715, (2017)
- Matthieu Lemaire, Hyunsuk Lee, Nam-il Tak, Hyun Chul Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “Multi-physics steady state analysis of OECD/NEA Modular High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor MHTGR-350,” J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 54 (6): 668-680, (2017)
- Zheng Youqi, Deokjung, Lee, “Nodal code development for pressurized water reactor transient analysis based on non-linear iteration method,” High Power Laser and Particle Beams,, 29(03): 036001, doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201729.160297 (2017)
- Peng Zhang, Hyunsuk Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “Calculation of Degenerated Eigenmodes with Modified Power Method,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 49(1): 17-28, (2017)
- Jinsu Park, Hyunsuk Lee, Taewoo Tak, Ho Cheol Shin, Deokjung Lee*, “Physics Study of Canada Deuterium Uranium Lattice with Coolant Void Reactivity Analysis,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 49(1): 6-16, (2017)
- Sooyoung Choi, Changho Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “Resonance Treatment using Pin-Based Pointwise Energy Slowing-Down Method,” J. Comput. Phys., 330: 134-155, (2017)
- Hanjoo Kim, Sooyoung Choi, Minyong Park, Deokjung Lee*, Hyun Chul Lee, “Extension of Double Heterogeneity Treatment Method for Coated TRISO fuel particles,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 99: 124-135, (2017)
- Jinsu Park, Taewoo Tak, T. K. Kim, Jiwon Choe, Yongjin Jeong, Peng Zhang, Deokjung Lee*, “Design Study of Long-Life Small Modular Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor,” Int. J. Energ. Res., 41(1): 139-148, (2017)
- Chidong Kong, Hyunsuk Lee, Taewoo Tak, Deokjung Lee*, Si Hwan Kim, Seokjean Lyou, “Accuracy Improvement of Boron Meter Adopting New Fitting Function and Multi-detector,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 48(6): 1360-1367, (2016)
- Jiwon Choe, Youqi Zheng, Deokjung Lee*, Ho Cheol Shin, “Boron-Free Small Modular Pressurized Water Reactor Design with New Burnable Absorber,” Int. J. Energ. Res., 40(15): 2128–2135, (2016)
- Taewoo Tak, Youqi Zheng,Deokjung Lee*, T. K. Kim, “Power Flattening Study of Ultra-Long Cycle Fast Reactor Using Thorium Fuel,” Int. J. Energ. Res., 40(12): 1662–1672, (2016)
- Peng Zhang, Hyunsuk Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “Extension of Modified Power Method to Two-Dimensional Problems,” J. Comput. Phys., 320: 17-32, (2016)
- Sooyoung Choi, Azamat Khassenov, Deokjung Lee*, “Resonance Self-Shielding Method Using Resonance Interference Factor Library for Practical Lattice Physics Computations of LWRs,” J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 53 (8): 1142-1154, (2016)
- Wonkyeong Kim, Hyun Chul Lee, Cheol Ho Pyeon, Ho Cheol Shin, Deokjung Lee*, “Monte Carlo Analysis of the Accelerator-driven System at Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 48(2): 304-317, (2016)
- Yongjin Jeong, Jinsu Park, Hyun Chul Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “Equilibrium Core Design Methods for Molten Salt Breeder Reactor Based on Two-Cell Model,” J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 53 (4): 529-536, (2016)
- Jiwon Choe, Deokjung Lee*, Ji-Eun Jeong, Ho Cheol Shin, “Performance Evaluation of Zircaloy Reflector for Pressurized Water Reactors,” Int. J. Energ. Res., 40(2): 160-167, (2016)
- Jiwon Choe, Deokjung Lee*, Ho Cheol Shin, “New Burnable Absorber for Long-Cycle Low Boron Operation of PWRs,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 88: 272-279, (2016)
- Peng Zhang, Hyunsuk Lee, Deokjung Lee* “A General Solution Strategy of Modified Power Method for Higher Mode Solutions,” J. Comput. Phys., 305: 387-402, (2016)
- Yongjin Jeong, Jinsu Park, Hyun Chul Lee, Deokjung Lee* “Convergence Analysis of Two-Node CMFD Method for Two-Group Neutron Diffusion Eigenvalue Problem,” J. Comput. Phys., 302:239-250, (2015)
- Taewoo Tak, Jiwon Choe, Yongjin Jeong, Deokjung Lee*, T.K. Kim, Ser Gi Hong, “Feasibility Study on Ultralong-Cycle Operation and Material Performance for Compact Liquid Metal-Cooled Fast Reactors: A Review Work,” Int. J. Energ. Res., 39 (14): 1859-1878, (2015)
- Jinsu Park, Yongjin Jeong, Hyun Chul Lee, Deokjung Lee* “Whole Core Analysis of Molten Salt Breeder Reactor with Online Fuel Reprocessing,” Int. J. Energ. Res., 39 (12): 1673-1680, (2015)
- Sooyoung Choi, Kord Smith, Hyun Chul Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “Impact of Inflow Transport Approximation on Light Water Reactor Analysis,” J. Comput. Phys., 299:352-373, (2015)
- Sooyoung Choi, Hyunsuk Lee, Ser Gi Hong, Deokjung Lee*, “Resonance Self-Shielding Methodology of New Neutron Transport Code STREAM,” J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 52(9): 1133-1150, (2015)
- Wonkyeong Kim, Jinsu Park, Tomasz Kozlowski, Hyun Chul Lee, Doekjung Lee*, “Comparative Neutronics Analysis of DIMPLE S06 Criticality Benchmark with Contemporary Reactor Core Analysis Computer Code Systems,” Sci. Technol. Nucl. Ins., 2015: 1-11, (2015)
- Sooyoung Choi, Chidong Kong, Deokjung Lee*, Mark L. Williams, “A New Equivalence Theory Method for Treating Doubly Heterogeneous Fuel-II: Verifications,” Nucl. Sci. Eng., 180(1): 41-57, (2015)
- Mark L. Williams, Sooyoung Choi, Deokjung Lee*, “A New Equivalence Theory Method for Treating Doubly Heterogeneous Fuel-I: Theory,” Nucl. Sci. Eng., 180(1): 30-40, (2015)
- Hyunsuk Lee, Sooyoung Choi, Deokjung Lee*, “A Hybrid Monte Carlo/Method-of-Characteristics Method for Efficient Neutron Transport Analysis,” Nucl. Sci. Eng., 180(1): 69-85, (2015)
- Hyunsuk Lee, Sooyoung Choi, Kyoon-Ho Cha, Kwangho Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “New Calculational Model for Self-Powered Neutron Detector Based on Monte Carlo Simulation,” J. Nucl. Sci. Tech., 52(5): 660-669, (2015)
- Deokjung Lee*, T. Kozlowski , T.J. Downar, “Multi-Group SP3 Approximation for Simulation of A Three-Dimensional PWR Rod Ejection Accident,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 77: 94-100, (2015)
- Ser Gi Hong, Deokjung Lee*, “Sub-cell Balanced Nodal Expansion Methods using S4 Eigenfunctions for Multi-group Sn Transport Problems in Slab Geometry,” J. Nucl. Sci. Tech., 52 (3): 315-331, (2015)
- Seongwoo Gwon, Myoungsu Shin, Benjamin Pimentel, Deokjung Lee*, “Nonlinear Modeling Parameters of RC Coupling Beams in A Coupled Wall System,” Earthquakes and Structures, 7 (5): 817-842, (2014)
- Taewoo Tak, Deokjung Lee*, T.K. Kim, Ser Gi Hong, “Optimization Study for Ultra-long Cycle Fast Reactor Core Concept,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 73: 145-161, (2014)
- Chidong Kong, Deokjung Lee*, Eunki Lee, “Stability Improvement of Noise Analysis Method in case of Random Noise Contamination for Subcriticality Measurements,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 71: 245-253, (2014)
- Min Jae Lee, Han Gyu Joo*, Deokjung Lee, Kord Smith, “Coarse Mesh Finite Difference Formulation for Accelerated Monte Carlo Eigenvalue Calculation,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 65: 101-113, (2014)
- Taewoo Tak, Deokjung Lee*, T.K. Kim, “Design of Ultra-long Cycle Fast Reactor Employing Breed-and-burn Strategy,” Nucl. Tech., 183(3): 427-435, (2013)
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- Deokjung Lee*, Joel Rhodes, Kord Smith, “Quadratic Depletion Model for Gadolinium Isotopes in CASMO-5,” Nucl. Sci. Eng., 174: 79-86, (2013)
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- Hyun Chul Lee*, Jae Man Noh, Hyung Kook Joo, Deokjung Lee, Thomas J. Downar, “Fourier Convergence Analysis of Two-Dimensional/One-Dimensional Coupling Methods for the Three-Dimensional Neutron Diffusion Eigenvalue Problems,” Nucl. Sci. Eng., 156: 74-85, (2007)
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- Deokjung Lee*, Thomas J. Downar, Anthony Ulses, Bedirhan Akdeniz, Kostadin N. Ivanov, “Analysis of the OECD/NRC BWR Turbine Trip Transient Benchmark with the Coupled Thermal-hydraulics and Neutronics Code TRAC-M/PARCS,” Nucl. Sci. Eng., 148(2): 291-305, (2004)
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