

  1. Yunki Jo, Deokjung Lee*, “Current Capabilities and Future Developments of Monte Carlo Code MCS”, EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol., Under Review (2024)
  2. Zhanpeng Huang, Yunki Jo, Qingming He, Liangzhi Cao, Hongchun Wu, and Deokjung Lee*, “Performance Improvement of Weight Window Method by incorporating DXTRAN,” Nucl. Sci. Eng., Under Review (2024)
  3. Muhammad Rizwan Ali, Murat Serdar Aygul, Deokjung Lee, “GREAPMC: Capabilities, performance, and future developments”, EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol., Under Review (2024)
  4. Muhammad Rizwan Ali, Murat Serdar Aygul, Deokjung Lee*, “Development of new GPU-optimized reactor physics Monte Carlo code GREAPMC,” Nucl. Sci. Eng., Under Review (2024)
  5. Muhammad Farid Khandaq, Deokjung Lee*, “Development of Active and Passive Reactivity Control Systems for a Fast Spectrum Small Modular Reactor,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, (2024)
  6. Muhammad Imron, Deokjung Lee*, “On-The-Fly Thermal Expansion for Monte Carlo Multi-Physics Reactor Simulations,” Front. Nucl. Eng., (2024)
  7. Muhammad Imron, Deokjung Lee*, “Monte Carlo Coupled Multi-Physics with Spatially Continuous Material Properties,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, (2024)
  8. Jaerim Jang, Deokjung Lee*, “Development and Verification of Multi-group Advanced Semi Analytic Nodal Method solver for HTGR analysis with MHTGR-350,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, (2004)
  9. Jaerim Jang, Deokjung Lee*, “Efficient Simulation Time Reduction in Uncertainty Quantification via the Polynomial Chaos Expansion Method,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, (2024)
  10. Siarhei Dzianisau, Deokjung Lee *, “Application of Artificial Neural Network for Assembly Homogenized Equivalence Parameter Generation,” Prog. Nucl. Energy, (2024)
  11. Jaerim Jang, Yunki Jo, and Deokjung Lee*, “Development of Uncertainty Quantification Module for VVER Analysis in STREAM/RAST-V Two-step Method,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., (2024)
  12. Murat Serdar Aygul, Wonkyeong Kim, Deokjung Lee*, “Whole-core analysis of Watts bar benchmark with three-dimensional MOC code STREAM3D,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., (2024)
  13. Jaerim Jang, Deokjung Lee*, “Development and Validation of Transient Analysis Module in Nodal Diffusion Code RAST-V with Kalinin-3 Coolant Transient Benchmark,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., (2024)
  14. Jaerim Jang, Deokjung Lee*, “Development and Validation of Isotope Prediction Module for VVER Spent Nuclear Fuel Analysis,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., (2024)
  15. Jaerim Jang, Yunki Jo, and Deokjung Lee*, “Uncertainty Analysis of UAM TMI-1 Benchmark by STREAM/RAST-K,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., (2024)
  16. Nhan Nguyen Trong Mai, Kyeongwon Kim, Deokjung Lee*, “Modelling Atomic Relaxation and Bremsstrahlung in the Deterministic Code STREAM,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 56(2): 673-684, (2024)
  17. Anisur Rahman, Hyun Chul Lee*, Deokjung Lee*, “High Fidelity Transient Analysis with STREAM based on the Predictor-Corrector Quasi-Static Method,” Nucl. Sci. Eng., 198: 545-564, (2024)
  18. Muhammad Farid Khandaq, Deokjung Lee*, “Inverted Fuel Geometry Implementation for a Fast Reactor: Potential Improvement in Neutronic and Thermal Hydraulic Performance,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 195: 110195, (2024)


  1. Awais Zahur, Muhammad Rizwan Ali, Deokjung Lee*, “Effect of Two Way Thermal Hydraulic-Fuel Performance Coupling on Multicycle Depletion,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 55(12): 4431-4446, (2023)
  2. Tuan Quoc Tran, Xingkai Huo, Emil Fridman, Deokjung Lee*, “CEFR Control Rod Drop Transient Simulation using RAST-F Code System,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 55(12): 4491-4503, (2023)
  3. Awais Zahur, Muhammad Rizwan Ali, Deokjung Lee*, “Development of Multiphysics Framework to Analyze Dynamic Gap Heat Transfer and Crossflow Effect on Partial Rod Ejection Accident,” Nucl. Sci. Eng., 197: 3175-3192, (2023)
  4. Tung Dong Cao Nguyen, Tuan Quoc Tran, Deokjung Lee*, “Coupled Neutronics/Thermal-hydraulics Analysis of ANTS-100e using MCS/RAST-F Two-step Code System,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 55(11): 4048-4056, (2023)
  5. Anisur Rahman, Hyun Chul Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “High Fidelity Transient Solver in STREAM based on Multigroup Coarse-Mesh Finite Difference Method,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 55(9): 3301-3312, (2023)
  6. Siarhei Dzianisau, Korawit Saeju, Hyun Chul Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “Development of an Artificial Neural Network Model for Generating Macroscopic Cross-Sections for RAST-AI,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 186:109777, (2023)
  7. Tung Dong Cao Nguyen, Tuan Quoc Tran, Deokjung Lee*, “Group Constants Generation by Monte Carlo code MCS for LWR Analysis,” Comput. Phys. Commun., 285:108642, (2023)
  8. Nhan Nguyen Trong Mai, Woonghee Lee, Kyeongwon Kim, Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Wonkyeong Kim, Deokjung Lee*, “On-The-Fly Energy Release per Fission Model in STREAM with Explicit Neutron and Photon Heating,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 55(3): 1071-1083, (2023)
  9. Jiwon Choe, Deokjung Lee*, “Development of Angle-dependent Linear Source Approximation for Three-dimensional Method of Characteristics Transport Analysis Method in STREAM,”  Ann. Nucl. Energy,181: 109572 (2023)


  1. Jaerim Jang, Siarhei Dzianisau, Deokjung Lee*, “Development of Nodal Diffusion Code RAST-V for Vodo-Vodyanoi Energetichesky Reactor Analysis,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 54(9): 3494-3515,  (2022)
  2. Anisur Rahman, Deokjung Lee*, “Incorporation of Anisotropic Scattering into the Method of Characteristics,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 54(9): 3478-3487, (2022)
  3. XiaoYong Feng, Peng Zhang, Hyunsuk Lee, Deokjung Lee, Hyun Chul Lee*, “Validation of MCS Code for Shielding Calculation using SINBAD,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 54(9): 3429-3439, (2022)
  4. Eun Jeong, Yunki Jo, ChangHwan Shin, Yong-Sik Yang, Jae-Yong Kim, Deokjung Lee*, “Performance Analysis of Nuclear Reactor Core Loaded with Accident-Tolerant Fuel: Mo/Cr Metallic Microcell  UO2 Pellets and CrAl Coating,” Ann. Nucl. Energy,  175: 109217, (2022)
  5. Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Nhan Nguyen Trong Mai, Hyun Chul Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “Propagation of Radiation Source Uncertainties in Spent Fuel Cask Shielding Calculations,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 54(8): 3073-3084,  (2022)
  6. Linfang Wei, Deokjung Lee*, Hyun Chul Lee, “A Novel SN/MOC Collaborative Method of Few-Group-Cross-Section Generation with Versatile Neutron Spectral Adaptability in Advanced Reactor Physics Analysis,” Comput. Phys. Commun., 276: 108340, (2022)
  7. Nhan Nguyen Trong Mai, Kyeongwon Kim, Matthieu Lemaire, Tung Dong Cao Nguyen, Woonghee Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “Analysis of Several VERA Benchmark Problems with the Photon Transport Capability of STREAM,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 54(7): 2670-2689, (2022)
  8. Tuan Quoc Tran, Deokjung Lee*, “Neutronic Simulation of the CEFR Experiments with the Nodal Diffusion Code System RAST-F,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 54(7): 2635-2649, (2022)
  9. Tuan Quoc Tran, Alexey Cherezov, Xianan Du, Deokjung Lee*, “Verification of a Two-step Code System MCS/RAST-F to Fast Reactor Core Analysis,” Nucl. Eng. Tech.54(5): 1789-1803, (2022)
  10. Jaerim Jang, Mathieu Hursin, Woonghee Lee, Andreas Pautz, Marianna Papadionysiou, Alexander Vasiliev, Deokjung Lee, “Analysis of Rostov-II Benchmark using Conventional Two-step Code Systems,” Energies,  15(9): 3318, (2022)
  11. Jiwon Choe, Chirayu Batra, Vladimir Kriventsev, Deokjung Lee*, “Neutronic Analysis of Start-Up Tests at China Experimental Fast Reactor,” Energies, 15(3): 1249,  (2022)
  12. Chidong Kong, Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Deokjung Lee, Pavel Kavrigin, Christina Weiss, Erich Griesmayer, Pavel Frajtag, Vincent Lamirand, Mathieu Hursin*, Andreas Pautz, “Modeling the Response of a Diamond Detector in the Zero Power Reactor CROCUS,” Eur. Phys. J. Plus, 137:25, (2022)


  1. Wonkyeong Kim, Sooyoung Choi, Deokjung Lee*, “Refinements of Pin-based Pointwise Energy Slowing-down Method for Resonance Self-shielding Calculation-II: Verifications,”Front. Energy Res., 9:765865,  (2021)
  2. Sooyoung Choi, Wonkyeong Kim, Deokjung Lee*, “Refinements of Pin-based Pointwise Energy Slowing-down Method for Resonance Self-shielding Calculation-I: Theory,” Front. Energy Res., 9:765863, (2021)
  3. Kyeongwon Kim, Jinseok Han, Hyun Chul Lee, Junkyung Jang, Deokjung Lee*, “Verification of Graphite Isotope Ratio Method Combined with Polynomial Regression for the Estimation of Cumulative Plutonium Production in a Graphite-Moderated Reactor,” J. Nucl. Fuel Cycle Waste Technol., 19(4): 447-457,   (2021)
  4. Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Alexey Cherezov, Siarhei Dzianisau, Deokjung Lee*, “Machine Learning of LWR Spent Nuclear Fuel Assembly Decay Heat Measurements,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 53(11): 3563-3579, (2021)
  5. Jaerim Jang, Chidong Kong, Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Alexey Cherezov, Yunki Jo, Deokjung Lee*, “Uncertainty Quantification in Decay Heat Calculation of Spent Nuclear Fuel by STREAM/RAST-K,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 53(9): 2803-2815,  (2021)
  6. Tung Dong Cao Nguyen, Hyunsuk Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “Use of Monte Carlo Code MCS for Multigroup Cross Section Generation for Fast Reactor Analysis,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 53(9): 2788-2802, (2021)
  7. Jaerim Jang, Chidong Kong, Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Yunki Jo, Deokjung Lee*, “Uncertainties of PWR Spent Nuclear Fuel Isotope Inventory for Back-end Fuel Cycle Analysis with STREAM/RASTK,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 158: 108267, (2021)
  8. Sooyoung Choi, Wonkyeong Kim, Jiwon Choe, Woonghee Lee, Hanjoo Kim, Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Eun  Jeong, Hyunsuk Lee, Dongmin Yun, Deokjung Lee*, “Development of High-Fidelity Neutron Transport Code STREAM,” Comput. Phys. Commun., 264:107915, (2021).
  9. Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Deokjung Lee*, “Bayesian Method and Polynomial Chaos Expansion based Inverse Uncertainty Quantification of Spent Fuel using Decay Heat Measurement,” Nucl. Eng. Des., 378:111158,  (2021)
  10. Jaerim Jang, Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Wonkyeong Kim, Jinsu Park, Deokjung Lee*, “Verification and Validation of Isotope Inventory Prediction for Back-End Cycle Management using Two-Step Method,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 57(3):2105-2125, (2021)
  11. Tung Dong Cao Nguyen, Muhammad Farid Khandaq, Eun Jeong, Jiwon Choe, Deokjung Lee, Douglas Fynan*, “MicroURANUS: Core Design for Long-cycle Marine Lead-bismuth-cooled Fast Reactor,” Int. J. Energ. Res., 45(8):12426–12448, (2021)
  12. Yongkyeong Oh, Hanjoo Kim, Deokjung Lee, Sungil Kim*, “시뮬레이션 데이터 생성을 통한 기계학습 기반 원자로 노심 이상 탐지 방법론,” Journal of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 47(2), 130-143,  (2021)
  13. Sooyoung Choi, Deokjung Lee*, “Three-Dimensional Method of Characteristics/Diamond-Difference Transport Analysis Method in STREAM for Whole-core Neutron Transport Calculation,” Comput. Phys. Commun., 260:107332, (2021)
  14. Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Chidong Kong, Peng Zhang, Alexey Cherezov, Deokjung Lee*, “Uncertainty Quantification of PWR Spent Fuel due to Nuclear Data and Modelling Parameters,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 53(3): 715-731, (2021)
  15. Hochul Lee, Junkyung Jang, Hyunwook Kang, Wonkyeong Kim, Jaerim Jang, Deokjung Lee, Hyun Chul Lee*, “Criticality Benchmark of Monte Carlo code MCS for Light Water Reactor Fuel in Transportation and Storage Packages,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 151: 107873, (2021).
  16. Ta Duy Long, Ser Gi Hong*, Deokjung Lee, “Validation of UNIST Monte Carlo Code MCS for Criticality Safety Calculation with Burnup Credit through MOX Criticality Benchmark Problem,” Nucl. Eng. Tech.,53(1): 19-29, (2021)
  17. FathurrahmanSetiawan, Matthieu Lemaire, Deokjung Lee*, “Analysis of VVER-1000 Mock-up Criticality Experiments with Nuclear Data Library ENDF/B-VIII.0 and Monte Carlo code MCS,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 53(1): 1-18, (2021)
  18. Jaerim Jang, Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Wonkyeong Kim, Jinsu Park, Jiwon Choe, Deokjung Lee*,”Validation of Spent Nuclear Fuel Decay Heat Calculation by a Two-step Method,” Nucl. Eng. Tech.,  53(1): 44-60, (2021)


  1. Jinsu Park, Jaerim Jang, Hanjoo Kim, Jiwon Choe, Dongmin Yun, Peng Zhang, Alexey Cherezov, Deokjung Lee*, “RAST-K v2- Three Dimensional Nodal Diffusion Code for Pressurized Water Reactor Core Analysis,” Energies, 13(23): 6324, (2020)
  2. Alexey Cherezov, Jinsu Park, Hanjoo Kim, Jiwon Choe, Deokjung Lee*, “A Multi-physics Adaptive Time Step Coupling Algorithm for Light-Water Reactor Core Transient and Accident Simulation,” Energies, 13(23): 6374, (2020)
  3. Tuan Quoc Tran, Jiwon Choe, Xianan Du, Hyunsuk Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “Neutronic Simulation of China Experimental Fast Reactor Start-up Test- Part II: MCS Code Monte Carlo Calculation,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 148: 107710, (2020).
  4. Alexey Cherezov, Jaerim Jang, Deokjung Lee*,”A PCA Compression Method for Reactor Core Transient Multi-Physics Simulation,” Prog. Nucl. Energy, 28:103441, (2020).
  5. Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Hyunsuk Lee, Wonkyeong Kim, Deokjung Lee*, “Validation of Nuclide Depletion Capabilities in Monte Carlo Code MCS,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 52(9):1907-1916, (2020)
  6. Nhan Nguyen Trong Mai, Peng Zhang, Matthieu Lemaire, Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Wonkyeong Kim, Hyunsuk Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “Extension of Monte Carlo code MCS to Spent Fuel Cask Shielding Analysis,” Int. J. Energ. Res., 44(10):8089–8102, (2020)
  7. Matthieu Lemaire, Hyunsuk Lee, Peng Zhang, Deokjung Lee*, “Interpretation of two SINBAD photon-leakage benchmarks with nuclear library ENDF/B-VIII.0 and Monte Carlo code MCS,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 52(7): 1355-1366, (2020)
  8. Farrokh Khoshahval, Deokjung Lee*, Peng Zhang, “Analysis and comparison of direct inversion and Kalman filter methods for self-powered neutron detector compensation,” Nucl Instrum Methods Phys Res A, 969: 164097, (2020)
  9. Jiankai Yu, Hyunsuk Lee, Hanjoo Kim, Peng Zhang, Deokjung Lee*, “Coupling of FRAPCON for Fuel Performance Analysis in the Monte Carlo code MCS,” Comput. Phys. Commun., 251: 106748, (2020)
  10. Jaerim Jang, Jiwon Choe, Sooyoung Choi, Matthieu Lemaire, Ho Cheol Shin, Deokjung Lee*, “Conceptual Design of Long-cycle Boron-free Small Modular Pressurized Water Reactor with Control Rod Operation,” Int. J. Energ. Res., 44(8):6463–6482, (2020)
  11. Tung Dong Cao Nguyen, Hyunsuk Lee, Sooyoung Choi, Deokjung Lee*, “Validation of UNIST Monte Carlo Code MCS using VERA Progression Problems,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 52(5): 878-888, (2020)
  12. Jiankai Yu, Hyunsuk Lee, Hanjoo Kim, Peng Zhang, Deokjung Lee*, “Coupled N-T/H Simulation of BEAVRS Cycle 1 Depletion by MCS/CTF Code System,” Nuclear Technology, 206: 728-742, (2020)
  13. Hyunsuk Lee, Wonkyeong Kim, Peng Zhang, Matthieu Lemaire, Azamat Khassenov, Yunki Jo, Jinsu Park, Jiankai Yu, Deokjung Lee*, “MCS – A Monte Carlo Particle Transport Code for Large-Scale Power Reactor Analysis,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 139:107276, (2020)
  14. Tung Dong Cao Nguyen, Hyunsuk Lee, Sooyoung Choi, Deokjung Lee*, “MCS/TH1D Analysis of VERA Whole-core Multi-cycle Depletion Problems,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 139: 107271, (2020)
  15. Jiankai Yu, Hyunsuk Lee, Hanjoo Kim, Peng Zhang, Deokjung Lee*, “Simulation of BEAVRS Benchmark Cycle 2 Depletion with MCS/CTF Coupling System,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 52(4): 661-673, (2020)
  16. Jiankai Yu, Hyunsuk Lee, Matthieu Lemaire, Hanjoo Kim, Peng Zhang, Deokjung Lee*, “Fuel Performance Analysis of BEAVRS Benchmark Cycle 1 Depletion with MCS/FRAPCON Coupling System,”  Ann. Nucl. Energy, 138: 107192, (2020)
  17. Wonkyeong Kim, Mathieu Hursin, Andreas Pautz, Lamirand Vincent, Frajtag Pavel, Deokjung Lee*, “Determination of the activity inventory and associated uncertainty quantification for the CROCUS zero power research reactor,”  Ann. Nucl. Energy, 136: 107034, (2020)
  18. Xianan Du, Jiwon Choe, Tuan Quoc Tran, Deokjung Lee*, “Neutronic Simulation of China Experimental Fast Reactor Start-up Test. Part I: SARAX Code Deterministic Calculation,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 136:107046, (2020)
  19. Kyeong-Nam Kang, Ananthakumar Ramadoss, Jin-Wook Min, Jong-Chul Yoon, Deokjung Lee, Seok Ju Kang, Ji-Hyun Jang, “Wire-Shaped 3D-Hybrid Supercapacitors as Substitutes for Batteries,” Nano-Micro Lett, 12: 28, (2019).
  20. Vutheam Dos, Hyunsuk Lee, Yunki Jo, Matthieu Lemaire, Wonkyeong Kim, Sooyoung Choi, Peng Zhang, Deokjung Lee*, “Overcoming the Challenges of Monte-Carlo Depletion: Application to a Material-Testing Reactor with MCS Code,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 52(9):1881-1895, (2020)


  1. Xianan Du, Jiwon Choe, Sooyong Choi, Woonghee Lee, Alexey Cherezov, Jaeyong Lim, Min Jae Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “Application of TULIP/STREAM code in 2-D Fast Reactor Core High-Fidelity Neutronic Analysis,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 51(8): 1871-1885, (2019)
  2. Eun Jeong, Jinsu Park, Hyun Chul Lee, Peng Zhang, Jiankai Yu, Matthieu Lemaire, Sooyoung Choi, Deokjung Lee*, “Verification of DeCART2D/CAPP Code System for VHTR Analysis with PMR-200 Benchmark,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 133: 154-168, (2019)
  3. Jinsu Park, Wonkyeong Kim, Mathieu Hursin, Gregory Perret, Alexander Vasiliev, Dimitri Rochman, Andreas Pautz, Hakim Ferroukhi, Deokjung Lee, “Uncertainty Quantification of LWR-PROTEUS Phase II Experiments using CASMO-5,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 131: 9-22, (2019)
  4. Chidong Kong, Deokjung Lee*, “Sensitivity Analysis of Source Intensity and Time Bin Size for the Rossi-alpha Method in a Numerical Reactor Model,”  Ann. Nucl. Energy, 130: 157-163, (2019)
  5. Mi Jin Kim, Wonkyeong Kim, Deokjung Lee, Matthieu Lemaire, Hee-Jae Lee, Dong-Seong Sohn*, Hyukjoo Kwon, “Development of Integral Type Spent Fuel Pool Storage Rack with Gadolinium and Europium-containing Structure Materials,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 130: 107-117, (2019)
  6. Jiankai Yu, Hyunsuk Lee, Matthieu Lemaire, Hanjoo Kim, Peng Zhang, Deokjung Lee*, “MCS Based Neutronics/Thermal-Hydraulics/Fuel-Performance Coupling with CTF and FRAPCON,” Comput. Phys. Commun., 238: 1-18, (2019)
  7. Peng Zhang, Hyunsuk Lee, Matthieu Lemaire, Chidong Kong, Jiwon Choe, Jiankai Yu, Farrokh Khoshahval, Deokjung Lee*, “Practical Monte Carlo Simulation Using Modified Power Method with Preconditioning,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 127: 372-384, (2019)
  8. Jiwon Choe, Sooyoung Choi, Peng Zhang, Jinsu Park, Wonkyeong Kim, Ho Cheol Shin, Hwan Soo Lee, Ji-Eun Jung, Deokjung Lee*, “Verification and Validation of STREAM/RAST-K for PWR Analysis,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 51(2): 356-368  (2019)
  9. Tuan Quoc Tran, Sanggeol Jeong, Khang Nhat Hoang Nguyen, Hyunsuk Lee, Sooyoung Choi, Peng Zhang, Min Jae Lee, Jae-Yong Lim, Deokjung Lee*, “Validation of the MCNP6 code for SFR shielding design analysis,” J. Radiol. Prot., 39: 11-37, (2019)
  10. Jinsu Park, Peng Zhang, Hyunsuk Lee, Sooyoung Choi, Jiankai Yu, Deokjung Lee, “Performance Evaluation of CMFD on Inter-Cycle Correlation Reduction of Monte Carlo Simulation,”  Comput. Phys. Commun., 235: 111-119, (2019)
  11. Jinsu Park, Azamat Khassenov, Wonkyeong Kim, Sooyoung Choi, Jiankai Yu, Deokjung Lee*, “Comparative Analysis of VERA Depletion Benchmark through Consistent Code-to-Code Comparison,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 124: 385-398, (2019)
  12. Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Sooyoung Choi, Matthieu Lemaire, Deokjung Lee*, “Verification and Validation of Radiation Source Term Capabilities in STREAM,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 124: 80-87, (2019)
  13. Khang Nguyen Hoang Nhat, Sooyoung Choi, Matthieu Lemaire, Deokjung Lee*, “Depletion Chain Optimization of Lattice Code STREAM for PWR Fuel Assembly Analysis,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 123: 18-45, (2019)
  14. Tung Dong Cao Nguyen, Jiwon Choe, Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Matthieu Lemaire, Deokjung Lee, “Core Design of Long-cycle Small Modular Lead-cooled Fast Reactor,” Int. J. Energ. Res., 43(1): 254-273 (2019)


  1. Farrokh Khoshahval, Seongpil Yum, Ho Cheol Shin, Jiwon Choe,  Peng Zhang, Deokjung Lee*, “Smart Sensing of the Axial Power and Offset in NPPs Using GMDH Method,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 121: 77-88, (2018)
  2. Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Sooyoung Choi, Matthieu Lemaire, Deokjung Lee*, Ho Cheol Shin, “Validation of Lattice Physics Code STREAM for Predicting Pressurized Water Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel Isotopic Inventory,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 120: 431-449, (2018)
  3. Matthieu Lemaire, Hyunsuk Lee, Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Chidong Kong, Wonkyeong Kim, Yunki Jo, Jinsu Park, Deokjung Lee*, “Verification of Photon Transport Capability of UNIST Monte Carlo Code MCS,” Comput. Phys. Commun., 231: 1-18, (2018)
  4. Chidong Kong, Jiwon Choe, Seongpil Yum, Jaerim Jang, Woonghee Lee, Hanjoo Kim, Wonkyeong Kim, Nguyen Hoang Nhat Khang, Nguyen Dong Cao Tung, Vutheam Dos, Deokjung Lee*, Ho Cheol Shin, Masao Yamanaka, Cheol Ho Pyeon, “Application of Advanced Rossi-alpha Technique to Reactivity Measurements at Kyoto University Critical Assembly,” Ann. Nucl. Energy,  118 : 92-98, (2018)
  5. Jiankai Yu, Hyunsuk Lee, Hanjoo Kim, Peng Zhang, Deokjung Lee*, “Preliminary Coupling of the Thermal/Hydraulic Solvers in the Monte Carlo Code MCS for Practical LWR Analysis,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 118: 317-335, (2018)
  6. Farrokh Khoshahval, Peng Zhang, Matthieu Lemaire, Deokjung Lee*, Reply to the letter to the editor on “Vanadium, Rhodium, Silver and Cobalt Self-Powered Neutron Detector Calculations by RAST-K v2.0″ by Farrokh Khoshahval, Minyong Park, Ho Cheol Shin, Deokjung Lee* [Ann. Nucl. Energy, 111: 644-659], Ann. Nucl. Energy, (2018)
  7. Jinsu Park, Tae Young Han, Deokjung Lee, Hyun Chul Lee*, “VHTR Core Analysis of McCARD and DeCART with High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor Benchmark,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 114: 42-51, (2018)
  8. Jaerim Jang, Wonkyeong Kim, Sanggeol Jeong, Eun Jeong, Jinsu Park, Matthieu Lemaire, Hyunsuk Lee, Yongmin Jo, Peng Zhang, Deokjung Lee*, “Validation of UNIST Monte Carlo Code MCS for Criticality Safety Analysis of PWR Spent Fuel Pool and Storage Cask,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 114: 495-509, (2018)
  9. Peng Zhang, Hyunsuk Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “On the Transfer Matrix of the Modified Power Method,” Comput. Phys. Commun., 222: 102-112,  (2018)
  10. Eun Jeong, Jiwon Choe, Peng Zhang, Ho Cheol Shin, Deokjung Lee*, “New High Performance Light Water Reactor Core Concept with Mixed Cycle Length Operation,” Int. J. Energ. Res., 42: 53-67, (2018)
  11. Yunki Jo, Mathieu Hursin, Deokjung Lee*, Hakim Ferroukhi, Andreas Pautz, “Analysis of Simplified BWR Full Core with SERPENT-2/SIMULATE-3 Hybrid Stochastic/Deterministic Code,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 111: 141-151, (2018)
  12. Farrokh Khoshahval, Minyong Park, Ho Cheol Shin, Deokjung Lee*, “Vanadium, Rhodium, Silver and Cobalt Self-Powered Neutron Detector Calculations by RAST-K v2.0,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 111: 644-659, (2018)


  1. Youqi Zheng, Sooyoung Choi, Deokjung Lee*, “A New Approach to Three-Dimensional Neutron Transport Solution Based on the Method of Characteristics and Linear Axial Approximation,” J. Comput. Phys., 350: 25-44, (2017)
  2. Yunki Jo, Chidong Kong, Jiankai Yu, Deokjung Lee*, Sihwan Kim, “High Accuracy Boronometer Design Developed for Light Water Reactors,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 110: 25-30, (2017)
  3. Chidong Kong, Ho Cheol Shin, Deokjung Lee*, “Lifetime Extension of In-Core Self-Powered Neutron Detector Using New Emitter Materials,” Int. J. Energ. Res., 41(14): 2405-2412, (2017)
  4. Peng Zhang, Hyunsuk Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “Extension of the Noise Propagation Matrix Method for Higher Mode Solutions,” J. Comput. Phys., 344: 440-450,  (2017)
  5. Youqi Zheng, Deokjung Lee*, Peng Zhang, Eunki Lee, Ho-cheol Shin, “Comparisons of SN and Monte-Carlo Methods in PWR Ex-core Detector Response Simulation,” Ann. Nucl. Energy,  101: 139-150, (2017)
  6. Sooyoung Choi, Kord Smith, Hanjoo Kim, Taewoo Tak, Deokjung Lee*, “On the Diffusion Coefficient Calculation in Two-step Light Water Reactor Core analysis,” J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 54(6): 705-715, (2017)
  7. Matthieu Lemaire, Hyunsuk Lee, Nam-il Tak, Hyun Chul Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “Multi-physics steady state analysis of OECD/NEA Modular High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor MHTGR-350,” J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.,  54 (6): 668-680, (2017)
  8. Zheng Youqi, Deokjung, Lee, “Nodal code development for pressurized water reactor transient analysis based on non-linear iteration method,” High Power Laser and Particle Beams,29(03): 036001, doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201729.160297 (2017)
  9. Peng Zhang, Hyunsuk Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “Calculation of Degenerated Eigenmodes with Modified Power Method,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 49(1): 17-28, (2017)
  10. Jinsu Park, Hyunsuk Lee, Taewoo Tak, Ho Cheol Shin, Deokjung Lee*, “Physics Study of Canada Deuterium Uranium Lattice with Coolant Void Reactivity Analysis,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 49(1): 6-16, (2017)
  11. Sooyoung Choi, Changho Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “Resonance Treatment using Pin-Based Pointwise Energy Slowing-Down Method,” J. Comput. Phys., 330: 134-155, (2017)
  12. Hanjoo Kim, Sooyoung Choi, Minyong Park, Deokjung Lee*, Hyun Chul Lee, “Extension of Double Heterogeneity Treatment Method for Coated TRISO fuel particles,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 99: 124-135, (2017)
  13. Jinsu Park, Taewoo Tak, T. K. Kim, Jiwon Choe, Yongjin Jeong, Peng Zhang, Deokjung Lee*, “Design Study of Long-Life Small Modular Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor,” Int. J. Energ. Res., 41(1): 139-148, (2017)


  1. Chidong Kong, Hyunsuk Lee, Taewoo Tak, Deokjung Lee*, Si Hwan Kim, Seokjean Lyou, “Accuracy Improvement of Boron Meter Adopting New Fitting Function and Multi-detector,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 48(6): 1360-1367, (2016)
  2. Jiwon Choe, Youqi Zheng, Deokjung Lee*, Ho Cheol Shin, “Boron-Free Small Modular Pressurized Water Reactor Design with New Burnable Absorber,” Int. J. Energ. Res., 40(15): 2128–2135, (2016)
  3. Taewoo Tak, Youqi Zheng,Deokjung Lee*, T. K. Kim, “Power Flattening Study of Ultra-Long Cycle Fast Reactor Using Thorium Fuel,” Int. J. Energ. Res., 40(12): 1662–1672, (2016)
  4. Peng Zhang, Hyunsuk Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “Extension of Modified Power Method to Two-Dimensional Problems,” J. Comput. Phys., 320: 17-32, (2016)
  5. Sooyoung Choi, Azamat Khassenov, Deokjung Lee*, “Resonance Self-Shielding Method Using Resonance Interference Factor Library for Practical Lattice Physics Computations of LWRs,” J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 53 (8): 1142-1154, (2016)
  6. Wonkyeong Kim, Hyun Chul Lee, Cheol Ho Pyeon, Ho Cheol Shin, Deokjung Lee*, “Monte Carlo Analysis of the Accelerator-driven System at Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., 48(2): 304-317, (2016)
  7. Yongjin Jeong, Jinsu Park, Hyun Chul Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “Equilibrium Core Design Methods for Molten Salt Breeder Reactor Based on Two-Cell Model,” J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 53 (4): 529-536, (2016)
  8. Jiwon Choe, Deokjung Lee*, Ji-Eun Jeong, Ho Cheol Shin, “Performance Evaluation of Zircaloy Reflector for Pressurized Water Reactors,” Int. J. Energ. Res., 40(2): 160-167, (2016)
  9. Jiwon Choe, Deokjung Lee*, Ho Cheol Shin, “New Burnable Absorber for Long-Cycle Low Boron Operation of PWRs,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 88: 272-279, (2016)
  10. Peng Zhang, Hyunsuk Lee, Deokjung Lee* “A General Solution Strategy of Modified Power Method for Higher Mode Solutions,” J. Comput. Phys., 305: 387-402, (2016)


  1. Yongjin Jeong, Jinsu Park, Hyun Chul Lee, Deokjung Lee* “Convergence Analysis of Two-Node CMFD Method for Two-Group Neutron Diffusion Eigenvalue Problem,” J. Comput. Phys., 302:239-250, (2015)
  2. Taewoo Tak, Jiwon Choe, Yongjin Jeong, Deokjung Lee*, T.K. Kim, Ser Gi Hong, “Feasibility Study on Ultralong-Cycle Operation and Material Performance for Compact Liquid Metal-Cooled Fast Reactors: A Review Work,” Int. J. Energ. Res., 39 (14): 1859-1878, (2015)
  3. Jinsu Park, Yongjin Jeong, Hyun Chul Lee, Deokjung Lee* “Whole Core Analysis of Molten Salt Breeder Reactor with Online Fuel Reprocessing,” Int. J. Energ. Res., 39 (12): 1673-1680, (2015)
  4. Sooyoung Choi, Kord Smith, Hyun Chul Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “Impact of Inflow Transport Approximation on Light Water Reactor Analysis,” J. Comput. Phys., 299:352-373, (2015)
  5. Sooyoung Choi, Hyunsuk Lee, Ser Gi Hong, Deokjung Lee*, “Resonance Self-Shielding Methodology of New Neutron Transport Code STREAM,” J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 52(9): 1133-1150, (2015)
  6. Wonkyeong Kim, Jinsu Park, Tomasz Kozlowski, Hyun Chul Lee, Doekjung Lee*, “Comparative Neutronics Analysis of DIMPLE S06 Criticality Benchmark with Contemporary Reactor Core Analysis Computer Code Systems,” Sci. Technol. Nucl. Ins., 2015: 1-11, (2015)
  7. Sooyoung Choi, Chidong Kong, Deokjung Lee*, Mark L. Williams, “A New Equivalence Theory Method for Treating Doubly Heterogeneous Fuel-II: Verifications,” Nucl. Sci. Eng., 180(1): 41-57, (2015)
  8. Mark L. Williams, Sooyoung Choi, Deokjung Lee*, “A New Equivalence Theory Method for Treating Doubly Heterogeneous Fuel-I: Theory,” Nucl. Sci. Eng., 180(1): 30-40, (2015)
  9. Hyunsuk Lee, Sooyoung Choi, Deokjung Lee*, “A Hybrid Monte Carlo/Method-of-Characteristics Method for Efficient Neutron Transport Analysis,” Nucl. Sci. Eng., 180(1): 69-85, (2015)
  10. Hyunsuk Lee, Sooyoung Choi, Kyoon-Ho Cha, Kwangho Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “New Calculational Model for Self-Powered Neutron Detector Based on Monte Carlo Simulation,” J. Nucl. Sci. Tech., 52(5): 660-669, (2015)
  11. Deokjung Lee*, T. Kozlowski , T.J. Downar, “Multi-Group SP3 Approximation for Simulation of A Three-Dimensional PWR Rod Ejection Accident,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 77: 94-100, (2015)
  12. Ser Gi Hong, Deokjung Lee*, “Sub-cell Balanced Nodal Expansion Methods using S4 Eigenfunctions for Multi-group Sn Transport Problems in Slab Geometry,” J. Nucl. Sci. Tech., 52 (3): 315-331, (2015)


  1. Seongwoo Gwon, Myoungsu Shin, Benjamin Pimentel, Deokjung Lee*, “Nonlinear Modeling Parameters of RC Coupling Beams in A Coupled Wall System,” Earthquakes and Structures, 7 (5): 817-842, (2014)
  2. Taewoo Tak, Deokjung Lee*, T.K. Kim, Ser Gi Hong, “Optimization Study for Ultra-long Cycle Fast Reactor Core Concept,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 73: 145-161, (2014)
  3. Chidong Kong, Deokjung Lee*, Eunki Lee, “Stability Improvement of Noise Analysis Method in case of Random Noise Contamination for Subcriticality Measurements,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 71: 245-253, (2014)
  4. Min Jae Lee, Han Gyu Joo*, Deokjung Lee, Kord Smith, “Coarse Mesh Finite Difference Formulation for Accelerated Monte Carlo Eigenvalue Calculation,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 65: 101-113, (2014)


  1. Taewoo Tak, Deokjung Lee*, T.K. Kim, “Design of Ultra-long Cycle Fast Reactor Employing Breed-and-burn Strategy,” Nucl. Tech., 183(3): 427-435, (2013)
  2. Deokjung Lee*, “Impact of Dynamic Condensation of Energy Groups on Convergence Behavior of One-Node CMFD Method for Neutron Diffusion Problem,” Nucl. Sci. Eng., 174: 300-317, (2013)
  3. Deokjung Lee*, Joel Rhodes, Kord Smith, “Quadratic Depletion Model for Gadolinium Isotopes in CASMO-5,” Nucl. Sci. Eng., 174: 79-86, (2013)


  1. Deokjung Lee*, “Convergence Analysis of Coarse Mesh Finite Difference Method Applied to Two-Group Three-Dimensional Neutron Diffusion Problem,” J. Nucl. Sci. Tech., 49 (9): 926-936, (2012)


  1. Tomasz Kozlowski*, Yunlin Xu, Thomas J. Downar, Deokjung Lee, “Cell Homogenization Method for Pin-by-Pin Neutron Transport Calculations,” Nucl. Sci. Eng., 169(1): 1-18, (2011)


  1. Deokjung Lee*, Kord Smith, Joel Rhodes, “The Impact of U-238 Resonance Elastic Scattering Approximations on thermal reactor Doppler Reactivity,” Ann. Nucl. Energy, 36(3): 274-280, (2009)
  2. Hyun Chul Lee*, Jae Man Noh, Hyung Kook Joo, Deokjung Lee, Thomas J. Downar, “Fourier Convergence Analysis of Two-Dimensional/One-Dimensional Coupling Methods for the Three-Dimensional Neutron Diffusion Eigenvalue Problems,” Nucl. Sci. Eng., 156: 74-85, (2007)
  3. Hyun Chul Lee*, Deokjung Lee, Thomas J. Downar, “Iterative Two- and One-Dimensional Methods for Three-Dimensional Neutron Diffusion Calculations,” Nucl. Sci. Eng., 151(1): 46-54, (2005)
  4. Deokjung Lee*, Thomas J. Downar, Anthony Ulses, Bedirhan Akdeniz, Kostadin N. Ivanov, “Analysis of the OECD/NRC BWR Turbine Trip Transient Benchmark with the Coupled Thermal-hydraulics and Neutronics Code TRAC-M/PARCS,” Nucl. Sci. Eng., 148(2): 291-305, (2004)
  5. Deokjung Lee*, Thomas J. Downar, Yonghee Kim, “Convergence Analysis of the Nonlinear Coarse Mesh Finite Difference Method for One-dimensional Fixed-Source Neutron Diffusion Problem,” Nucl. Sci. Eng., 147 (2): 127-147, (2004)
  6. Deokjung Lee*, Thomas J. Downar, Yonghee Kim, “A Nodal and Finite Difference Hybrid Method for Pin-by-Pin Heterogeneous Three-dimensional Light Water Reactor Diffusion Calculations,” Nucl. Sci. Eng., 146(3): 319-339, (2004)
  7. Deokjung Lee, Chang Hyo Kim*, “Modified Borresen’s Coarse-Mesh Method for Improved Power Distribution Monitoring System Program Development for PWR,” Journal of Korean Nuclear Society vol. 27(4): 555-561 (1995)


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