Download Intro_RAST-V (to be updated)

The Recommended Publication for Citing

  1. Jaerim Jang, Siarhei Dzianisau, Deokjung Lee*, “Development of Nodal Diffusion Code RAST-V for Vodo-Vodyanoi Energetichesky Reactor Analysis,” Nucl. Eng. Tech.,54(9): 3494-3515, (2022)
  2. Jaerim Jang, Deokjung Lee*, “Development and Validation of Transient Analysis Module in Nodal Diffusion Code RAST-V with Kalinin-3 Coolant Transient Benchmark,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., (2024)
  3. Jaerim Jang, Yunki Jo, and Deokjung Lee*, “Development of Uncertainty Quantification Module for VVER Analysis in STREAM/RAST-V Two-step Method,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., (2024)
  4. Jaerim Jang, Deokjung Lee*, “Development and Validation of Isotope Prediction Module for VVER Spent Nuclear Fuel Analysis,” Nucl. Eng. Tech., (2024


The RAST-V code is under further development at the Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) for the hexagonal-z geometry for solving thermal reactor. The triangle-based polynomial expansion nodal (TPEN)+NEM method is implemented in the code to solve the multi-group neutron diffusion equation. The change of nuclide concentrations during burnup steps are determined by solving Bateman equation. At present,  Chebyshev Rational Approximation Method (CRAM) is implemented.

Physics Model


– Triangle-based Polynomial Expansion Nodal method (TPEN)

– CMFD acceleration

– Pin Power Reconstruction

– Control rod movement

XS model

– 2-group group constants

– Micro XS for micro depletion

TH feedback

– 1D radial heat conduction

Spent fuel analysis

– Back-end analysis

– Burnup credit calculation

Verification and Validation

– X2 for VVER-1000 cycle 1 to 4 for steady-state


– AER-DYN for transient




– novovoronezh-4 for spent nuclear fuel
